Kesar Chandan Skin Brightening Facial Gel


Kesar and Chandan skin brightening gel.
Ingredients:- Kesar extracts, Chandan extracts, 100% pure aloe gel and vitamin e oil.

Kesar:- Kesar has been known for special beauty ingredient used by royals during ancient times with its therapeutic properties, it gives our skin a natural glow and lighten the skin that u always look beautiful and glowing.
Chandan:- Chandan is used in India for a long time, Chandan has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is used for skin irritation caused by sunburn and eczema.
It is very helpful in removing suntan.
Aloe vera:- aloe vera gel features cooling properties that can be soothing for skin that has been exposed to the sun for a long period.

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